2004 / interventions / Military Hospital, Antwerp (BE)
Unlike in Indicated Locations, where grids were spray-painted out in public, playing with the covering up of the information on commercial posters, Interference is removed from the public space and moved to the non-public. Collapsed doors, peeled-off wallpaper, fungus-infested walls are the carriers of these ephemeral interventions.
Unlike in Indicated Locations, where grids were spray-painted out in public, playing with the covering up of the information on commercial posters, Interference is removed from the public space and moved to the non-public. Collapsed doors, peeled-off wallpaper, fungus-infested walls are the carriers of these ephemeral interventions.
‘I grew tired of trying to show my work in highly populated areas, as if the number of people that would see my work was more important than anything else. Instead of focusing on the dirty façades as the medium, I wanted to make work behind the limitations of those walls and fences, trying to break the barriers and explore the insides. I became more interested in trying to bring the public in to those abandoned locations to show them the beauty, the possibilities they contain, and convey the overall atmosphere that surrounds them.’ PVW